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A new website w/ Next.js
- Authors
- Name
- Joel Reske
- @joelreske
For years, I have re-invented this site practically yearly.
In 2016, it was a Next.js site hosted on Digital Ocean.
In 2018, it was a site hosted in Github pages
In 2019, I switched to Gatsby
In 2020, I started something more bespoke before consulting took over my life
In 2021, I just want it to look pretty and work
So I'm back, full circle, to Next.js!
The goals of this site are thus:
- A nice single source for all of my contact info
- A digital resume, with some work
- An easy answer to 'what do you do?'
Site Features:
MDX allows for very cool, interactive compontents to be used within markdown documents. Learn more here
Code Blocks
var num1, num2, sum;
num1 = prompt("Enter first number");
num2 = prompt("Enter second number");
sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2); // "+" means "add"
alert("Sum = " + sum); // "+" means combine into a string
- Easy styling customization with Tailwind 2.0 and primary color attribute
- Near perfect lighthouse score - Lighthouse report
- Lightweight, 39kB first load JS, uses Preact in production build
- Mobile-friendly view
- Light and dark theme
- Supports plausible, simple analytics and google analytics
- MDX - write JSX in markdown documents!
- Server-side syntax highlighting with line numbers and line highlighting via rehype-prism-plus
- Math display supported via KaTeX
- Automatic image optimization via next/image
- Flexible data retrieval with mdx-bundler
- Support for tags - each unique tag will be its own page
- Support for multiple authors
- Blog templates
- TOC component
- Support for nested routing of blog posts
- Newsletter component with support for mailchimp, buttondown and convertkit
- Supports giscus, utterances or disqus
- Projects page
- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more!